My Story Of Narcissistic Abuse Journal

Have you ever said to yourself, “I should write a book about this – no one would believe me because it’s complete insanity! You can’t make this shit up!” You have a story to tell but you also have some in-depth processing to do in order to untangle what happened.

Do ruminating thoughts haunt you every day? Are you constantly taunted by ‘If only I had…’ or ‘I should have…’ sentiments? These intrusive reflections are triggering and need to be purged once and for all.

I have thought long and hard about how to give my clients a new tool to help them heal. By now, you all know my deep love of journaling and the many benefits it provides. With this in mind, I decided to create a new journal called “My Story Of Narcissistic Abuse – Tracking My Journal Through The Crazy.” Because we are visual creatures, I have designed two different covers to appeal to everyone.

I have broken the 265-page book into 4 parts, beginning with tips to help you learn how to process memories and feelings as you journal. Each section is filled with ample lined pages to start putting together your story.

From there, I developed three sections, marked by colored tabs, assigned to the idealizedevalue, and discard stages. To assist in your recollection of specific memories, each section reminds us of the language commonly used which will facilitate connecting the dots between your newfound narc-language and what happened to you by highlighting words you might have heard.

The final two sections include a list of common behaviors followed by how it may have felt in each stage. Each section has additional reflection questions to prompt your memories.

The exercise of breaking down, sorting, cataloging, reconciling, and putting individual memories into the past, by stage, is a monumental step in the right direction. Processing the evocations with the new vocabulary, behaviors, recognized maneuvers, and how you felt in those moments will help bring closure to a damaging time in your life. These journaling prompts are not meant to cause you to rehash and clutch the past but rather give you the permission to process and let go.

By journaling, acknowledging, and releasing these painful memories, you now have the knowledge and the power to see the red flags you missed and more easily recognize these toxic narcissistic behaviors in other people going forward. With this journal, I offer guidance to digest the feelings in each entry so you can process, understand, and heal the wounds – once and for all. You will now be more resilient and won’t fall victim to this type of abuse ever again.

If you feel like your head is spinning and you just need to write it all down to get the big picture and move on, this journal is exactly what you need. When painful memories surface, use it by choosing the corresponding colored section for the stage that memory belongs in, record it, process it, and say goodbye to it.